Ayman Farah
Head Coach

Hello Academy family!
Coach Ayman here and couldn’t be more pumped for the upcoming seasons. I am a Bay Area native who grew up in the East Bay in Fremont, and I currently reside in San Jose. I first started playing volleyball in the 8th grade at my middle school in Fremont, Thornton Jr. High. Afterwards, I spent a few years going to high school back home in Sudan, and when I moved back, I went to American High School for my senior year and played Varsity my first year there.
I started coaching last year, in the Spring, back at my old middle school at Thornton. The following summer, I was privileged enough to be brought on to the coaching staff here at Academy, and will be entering my second season. I am very passionate about the sport and I am actively playing till this day! I have a lot of experience working with youth, outside of coaching, in similar leadership positions and I really enjoy helping them reach their goals.